Saturday, February 14, 2009

week 5

well, this posting was actually supposed to be made way back in week 1, but as i (very unfortunately) came down with a bout of chicken pox days after school started, i wasn't able to partake in a posting (strict orders from mum to STAY AWAY from the television/computer lest i "strain" myself and develop more blisters. *shrugs*). a month after, i've more or less settled down and adapted to the full swing of school.

my thoughts on e-learning of course, have been augmented by what i have learnt so far. however, going back to those 2 weeks where i was dreadfully bed-ridden, i remember being somewhat excited about the module as being one which is very "hands on" and interactive - basically the "e" in e-learning gave me the impression of much of the workload occurring online, through online discussions and second life tutorials perhaps, which would be a welcome break from running back and forth class. i pictured asynchronous learning and online assignments.

well, some of these predictions have come through while others have not. nevertheless, i look forward to absorbing as much information as i can and move beyond the stereotypical image of what e-learning is all about.

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